Father Ralph’s Corner 11-9-2018

Always An Alternative

AAA is especially for those women with crisis pregnancies who see no way ahead except a termination.


Each will have different reasons for this “impossibility”.

Some of them may be as follows:

·      I can’t possibly cope with another child.

·      The pregnancy was the result of casual ‘post-party’ sex with my boyfriend.

·      My health could not cope with a pregnancy now.

·      The financial burdens would be very great.

·      There are many ‘social’ reasons that would make it exceedingly difficult.

·      In addition many educationally disruptive reasons…College and beyond.


When a person pleads that they have no alternative to aborting their child, in response to the reasons that they give - one might say:

·      This is already a human being with its own unique genetic form; the details of what it will become are ‘programmed’ from conception.  It has a right to be born.

·      Do not decide to eliminate this child if there is any alternative.  AAA will provide you with help that will remove or reduce one or several of the “difficulties” which make you now say “I have no alternative but to abort my child.”

·      Do not claim that “difficulties” are insuperable.  Many of them may be overcome or alleviated.

·      The decision to eliminate is not reversible once the termination has taken place.  You could be pondering the “what ifs” for a life time.

AAA will provide you with help that will remove, or reduce, one or several of the difficulties which make you now say:  “I have no alternative but to terminate my pregnancy”


Referring a person to various forms of already available Crisis Pregnancy Assistance, for example:

+ Coalition for Life

+ BirthRight


+Our Lady’s Inn

+Respect Life Apostolate (of the St Louis Archdiocese)

+List of men and women eager to help in various ways (counsel, adoption, financial assistance, etc.).

+Friendship - people eager and glad to stay supportive through the months of pregnancy and after the child has been born.

+Medical assistance

+PRAYER - individuals and communities who will support them with prayer.




There is storm in the desert,

storm in the mountains

and storm at sea

but the miracle is

that creation itself

continues to be.


The earth shudders

rocks are shattered

houses fall;

lightning nails

the coffin of earth

which darkness palls,


For there on high

nailed to a tree

with man-made steel

are the hands of God

who fashioned Man

on the Potter’s wheel.


Above the head

of the woman who bore

the God-man child

a billion stars

of a billion years

are being defiled.

for at this hour

and at this place

in the Milky Way

the life of God

nailed by Man

is draining away.


The wonder is not

that the world quakes

at his final call

but that when he died

the world could bear

to exist at all.


(Poetry and the Prose above by Ralph Wright O.S.B.)




Jesus is laid in the Arms of His Afflicted Mother

Aidan McDermott